Complete Diabetic Eye Care:-
Patients with long duration of diabetes (5 or more years), poor control of blood sugar (200mg or more), coexisting systemic problems like hypertension, high blood pressure or obesity are at high risk of diabetic retinopathy, cataract (at an early age), glaucoma (2 fold), optic neuropathy and even blindness (25 fold). As diabetic retinopathy is a ‘silent vision stealer’, regular retinal examination is essential for all diabetics even if their vision is good. Every diabetic should get a retinal examination done at least annually.
‘ If you are a DIABETIC do not wait for symptoms or your vision to became dull. Diabetic can cause serious & vision threatening . A retina examination (atleast once an year) has can help in early detection of your eye condition which can reduce chances of severe vision loss by 98%. Easiest way to protect your eye is to get regular check ups.
1) Complete Diabetic Eye Care – Annual Screening, Angiography, 3D OCT, Anti-VEGF Injection (Avastin / Lucentis), Green Laser, B.scan ultrasonography.
2) Safe cataract surgery for diabetics- with Active fluidics advantage of Centurian vision system.
3) Virtreo-Retinal surgery : Most Advanced technology and techniques. Sutureless vitrectomy by ‘Constellation system’.
4) Pathology laboratory : Precise & Accurate laboratory work for complete systemic profile packages for diabetics & elderly.
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